Top 10 VoLTE Capable Handsets:
Top 10 NOT VoLTE Capable Handsets:
Most phones are set up to call voicemail with speed dial #1. Press 1 and hold it. You may also call 1-800-493-7808 from a landline.
Before you begin dialing, check your phone display to see if any other carrier is listed under “CellularOne” for example AT&T may be listed if you are on their network. If you are in your plan area, there are no additional roaming charges. Check your plan for details.
Check your manual that came with the phone or bring it in to any CellularOne Store and we will help you.
Was SEND key pressed after dialing number? Press SEND key. If you are still unable to make a call, call 1-800-730-2351 from a land line to report the problem with your phone. Be prepared to answer questions on what is happening when you try to call out. Our customer service representatives are ready and willing to assist you.
You may be out of our service area, try turning phone off and on to reset the system. If you still have trouble, please contact Customer Care at 1-800-730-2351 from a land line.
Contact Customer Care at 1-800-730-2351.
If you receive a busy signal, end the call and try your call again or try your call later. If you receive a rapid busy signal, you could be in a “fringe” coverage area. Press END and make your call again. You might also try to power cycle the phone by turning it off and back on again. If you continue to have problems, call Customer Care by dialing 611 on your cellular phone.
If you have experienced any difficulties with your mobile service; please contact a Cellular One Customer Care representative at (800) 730-2351. For unresolved consumer issues, you may contact: NM Public Regulatory Consumer Relations Department: 800-663-9782 AZ Corporation Commission: 800-222-7000
Yes. In some cases, a charge may be required. Please call Customer Care at 1-800-730-2351 611 from your cell phone.
When you leave your local Cellular One coverage area and travel within another cellular system, you are roaming. Other cellular carriers bill Cellular One for your usage. In turn, Cellular One bills you for charges incurred in their markets. A daily access fee, airtime charges, and toll charges may appear on your bill depending on your service plan. Call Customer Care to see what charges will apply in that area. What are the airtime charges?Any call completed within the local coverage area will appear on your bill as “airtime” charges. These calls are billed in 60-second increments. You may be charged for unanswered calls if you allow the phone to ring for 60 seconds or more.
If you have questions on your bill, please contact Customer Care at the 1-800-730-2351 number listed on the bill or dial 611. We will be more than happy to help you.
Dialing 911 is a free call for Cellular One customers. Cellular One encourages its customers to report any emergencies. You’re calling from a mobile phone, so the operator will ask what the location of the emergency is. This works nationwide, so please report any emergency.
Contact Customer Care at 1-800-730-2351
You may cancel service, within 14 calendar days of purchase, if our service has not met your expectations and will not be charged an early termination fee. Equipment and proof of purchase must be returned to any Cellular One location within the 14 day Return Period. However, if you cancel service due to equipment your account will be charged an early termination fee of up to $15 a month. You will still be responsible for all applicable airtime fees, access charges, taxes, surcharges and any other charges applied to your account. Refunds will not be given for any activation fees paid. If applicable the equipment charge will be refunded only if phone is returned in a like new condition with all components (includes original box). If applicable your security deposit and/or equipment charge will be refunded by check within 30 days. The purchase price of your equipment may have been discounted to facilitate your subscription to the service. If you cancel service within the Return Period but do not return the equipment in good working condition, you will be charged for the amount of the discount you received. Before returning or exchanging any product that has data stored in its memory, please transfer all files you wish to retain to another file source. Once the product is returned, your files cannot be recovered.
Check your manual for your phone or contact Customer Care from your cellular phone by dialing 611 and calls to 611 are always free. If you are outside the Cellular One network call us on 1-800-730-2351.
Your first month’s bill will include a prorated month of access charges starting from your activation date, a one-time service connection fee, the next full month of the access charge, airtime charge, roaming and toll charge. Future bills will only show the next full month’s access charge, airtime charge, roaming and toll charge. If you have any questions, just call Customer Care at 611 or 1-800-730-2351.
Cellular One reserves the right to change a customer’s plan at any time; we will only change a plan if it offers the customer more minutes or reduces their monthly payment. You will be notified before your plan is changed and your term will not be extended. You will have 30 days to switch your plan back to your original plan. After 30 days if you chose to cancel your service, an early termination fee will apply of up to $240.
Contact Customer Care at 1-800-730-2351 or visit your local Cellular One store to make any plan changes.
You can go into a Cellular One store or contact Customer Care at 1-800-730-2351.
For your prepaid account: Dial *123.
Follow prompts from your device:
Dial *100# and press send from your mobile phone.
Minutes are based on your activation date. To check your minutes, dial *123 and press SEND.
Cellular One fully complies with the voluntary industry principals regarding locking/unlocking phones. The phones [and tablets or other devices] we provide to our customers are not locked. If you sign up with another service provider, you can use the phone you purchased from us so long as that service provider’s network is compatible. To confirm whether another network is compatible with your phone, contact the relevant service provider.
Mon – Fri: 6:00am – 7:00pm MST
Sat: 8:00am – 5:00pm MST
Sun: 10:00am – 2:00pm MST
We apologize for the inconvenience. This site is under construction.
To make a payment, please call our Customer Care team at 1-800-730-2351.
To activate please call our Customer Care team at 1-800-730-2351 or visit your local Cellular One store.