Contract Plans
Unlimited talk and text

Our 24-month contracts offer you deep discounts on the latest smartphones and come with unlimited or limited shareable data plans to fit your family’s needs.

Unlimited Talk & Text + pick your data bundle, visit a store near you to qualify today!

Terms & Conditions

See your Cellular One Contract and/or Retail Post-Paid Terms & Conditions for additional terms and conditions.

Unlimited Voice and Text (SMS) messaging is available to any domestic network and available anywhere in the United States. International Unlimited texting is available only if the text originates in the Domestic U.S. Unlimited texting does not include picture messages (MMS) or international texting that originates outside the Domestic U.S.

Rates will vary for International services. Picture Texting and Data are available only with a Data Package. Data does not include download fees for certain features, including but not limited to, ringtones, wallpapers, apps, or games. All rates are specific to services within the Domestic U.S. Data speeds will vary depending on the network used.

Data speeds On-Net are typically faster than data speeds while data roaming Off-Net and Celluar One does not guarantee data speeds. “On-Net” is one Cellular One customer to another Cellular One customer in the Cellular One home coverage area.

“Off-Net” is one Cellular One customer in the Cellular One home coverage area to anyone who is a non-Cellular One customer within the Domestic U.S. “Roaming” is one Cellular One customer placing or receiving a voice/SMS/or data call or connection request outside the Cellular One Home Network Area. Other restrictions may apply.

All usage is subject to the terms and conditions in the Cellular One Post-Paid contract and all plans remain subject to Cellular One’s excessive use, and disproportionate roaming, and Fair Use Policies. See your service agreement and/or for pricing and additional terms and conditions. All rates subject to change.

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