Cellular One offers many devices that are Hearing Aid Compatible (HAC)

At Cellular One, we are committed to providing the highest-quality wireless telephone service to customers, including those with disabilities. 

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has wireless handset hearing aid compatibility requirements. These requirements are aimed at ensuring wireless handsets will work near hearing aids which operate in either acoustic coupling or inductive coupling mode.

Hearing aids operating in acoustic coupling mode receive and amplify all signals, such as a telephone audio signal, as well as unwanted ambient noise. Hearing aids operating in inductive coupling mode avoid amplifying unwanted ambient noise by turning off the microphone and using a telecoil to receive only audio signal based magnetic fields generated by telecoil compatible telephones.

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has established technical standards to measure wireless phone handsets for “compatibility” with acoustic and inductive hearing aids and have been adopted by the FCC. These standards are known as Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) ratings.

An “M” rating measures compatibility with acoustic hearing aids while a “T” rating measures compatibility with induction hearing aids. So the higher the number (e.g., M3, M4 etc.) the more compatible the handset. Generally, handsets rated “M3” or “T3” by ANSI or better are considered compliant with FCC requirements.

Acoustic Hearing Aids

  • M3-rating indicates the handset has satisfied the ANSI standard
  • M4-rating indicates the handset has exceeded the ANSI standard

Induction Hearing Aids

  • T3-rating indicates the handset has satisfied the ANSI standard
  • T4-rating indicates the handset has exceeded the ANSI standard

For more information and for downloadable brochures, please visit CTIA’s website.

Explanation of methodology for determining levels of functionality (e.g. operating capabilities, features, prices) for compliant handsets:

Cellular One offers a variety of HAC phone models to meet the needs of wireless users with hearing disabilities. The mobile units are presented here by category of price.

PDAs (smartphones) generally have advanced features such as expandable memory, enhanced camera, Bluetooth, video, Internet access, touch screen UI, faster processing, email, full QWERTY keypads, and in many cases Windows Office Mobile, to meet the demands of mobile business professionals and consumers.

High, Ultra High, and Extreme Tier Handsets range from ($250.99 and up) may have advanced features such as a 2MP or above camera, advanced Bluetooth, expandable memory, email access, touch screen, and internet access capability.

Mid and Mid High Tier Handsets ($170.99-$249.99) may have a medium-resolution camera, advanced Bluetooth, and Internet access capability, but lack e-mail access.

Ultra Low and Low Tier Handsets (less than $170.99) generally have a low-resolution camera, low-resolution displays and may not have Bluetooth, they also generally lack such features as MP3 players, e-mail, and expandable memory.

A listing of Cellular One HAC handsets by current and recently offered models can be found in the table below.

Phone Models                    20182G – 3G LTE TierWifi Yes or NoDATAFCC IDHAC*
Alcatel  Blaze   (990m)850/1900 MIDYesDATARAD158M3
Alcatel MPOP  (5020W)850/1900/2100 LOWYesDATARAD356M3/T4
Alcatel 4060A850/1900/2100 2-4-5-12 LOWYesDATA2ACCJB039M3/T4
Alcatel Idol 5s850/1900/2100 2-4-5-12 MIDYesDATA2ACCJA024M3/T3
Alcatel 1850/1900/2100 1-2-3-4-5-7-8-12-13-17-28 LOWYesDATA2ACCJH089NC
Apple iPhone 7850/1900/2100 1-2-4-12-17 HIGHYesDATABCG-E3091AM3/T4
Apple iPhone 8850/1900/2100 1-2-4-12-17 HIGHYesDATABCG-E3159AM3/T4
Apple iPhone SE850/1900/2100 1-2-4-12-17 HIGHYesDATABCG-E2945AM3/T4
Apple iPhone X850/1900/2100 1-2-4-7-12-17 HIGHYesDATABCG-E3161AM3/T4
Apple iPhone XR850/1900/2100 1-2-4-7-12-17 HIGHYesDATABCG-E220AM3/T4
Apple iPhone XS850/1900/2100 1-2-4-7-12-17 HIGHYesDATABCG-E3218AM3/T4
Apple iPhone XS Max850/1900/2100 1-2-4-7-12-17 HIGHYesDATABCG-E3219AM3/T4
Apple iPhone 11     BCG-E3309AM3/T4
Apple iPhone 11 pro     BCG-E3305AM3/T4
BLU C5850/1900/2100 2-4-5-7-12-17 LOWYESDATAYHLBLUC5LTENC
BLU C5L 850/1900/2100 2-4-5-7-12-17 LOWYesDATAYHLBLUC5LTENC
BLU J8850/1900/2100 1-2-3-4-7-12-17 LOWYESDATAYHLBLUSTJ8LTENC
BLU Zoey 2.4   (Z070U)850/1900/2100 LOWNoN/AYHLBLUZOEY243GNC
Figo Atrium 2850/1900/2100 2-3-4-5-7-12-17 MIDYesDATA2ADX3F55L2M3/T3
Figo Fury850/1900 LOWNoN/A2ADX3W242NC
Figo Orion 2850/1900/2100 2-4-12-17 LOWYesDATA2ADX3-M50LNC
Figo Trio 850/1900/2100 2-4-12-17 LOWYesDATA2ADX3F40LTNC
Figo Ultra Plus850/1900/2100 LOWYesDATA2ADX3F40G2NC
Google Pixel XL850/1900/2100 2-4-5-7-12-17 HIGHYesDATANM8G-2PW2100M4/T4
Google Pixel 3  HIGHYesDATAA4RG013AM3/T3
HTC 626S850/1900/2100 2-4-5-12 LOWYesDATANM80PM9110M4/T4
Hyundai Titan850/1900/2100 2-4-7-17 MIDYesDATARQQHLT-L55UTMNC
LG Phoenix 2850/1900/2100 2-4-7-17 MIDYesDATAZNFK371M3/T3
LG Xpower  (US610)850/1900/2100 2-4-12-17 LOWYesDATAZNFUS610M3/T4
Luna  TR-L8005850/1900/2100 1-2-4-12-17 MIDYesDATA2AHS3-TGL800SNC
Motorola WX345850/1900 LOWNoDATAIHDP56LJ5M3/T4
Motorola  MOTO E5850/1900/2100 1-2-4-12-17 MIDYesDATAIHDT56XC4M3/T4
Nokia 2720850/1900 LOWNoDATAQTLRM-520M3/T3
Nokia 6085850/1900 LOWNoDATALJPRM-198HM3/T3
Nokia 7020850/1900 LOWNoDATAQTKRM-497M3/T4
Nokia Aspect – PDA (E5)850/1900/2100 HIGHYesDATAQTKRM-634M3/T4
Samsung Galaxy J3  (J327U)850-1900-2100 1-2-4-12 LOWYesDATAA3LSMJ327TM3/T3
Samsung Galaxy J5  (J500M)850/1900/2100 1-2-4-17 MIDYesDATAA3LSMJ500MM3
Samsung Galaxy J7  (J727U)850/1900/2100 1-2-4-17 MIDYesDATAA3LSMJ727TM3/T3
Samsung Galaxy S4  (M919)850/1900/2100 MIDYesDATAA3LSGHM919M3
Samsung Galaxy S8   (G950U)850/1900/2100 2-4-5-12-17 HIGHYesDATAA3LSMG950UM4/T3
Samsung Galaxy S8+  (G955U)850/1900/2100 2-4-5-12-17 HIGHYesDATAA3LSMG955UM3/T3
Samsung Galaxy S8 (CPO)850/1900/2100 2-4-5-12-17 HIGHYesDATAA3LSMG950UM4/T3
Samsung Galaxy S8+ (CPO) G955U850/1900/2100 2-4-5-12-17 HIGHYesDATAA3LSMG955UM3/T3
Samsung Galaxy S9850/1900/2100 1-2-4-12-17-21 HIGHYesDATAA3LSMG960UM4/T3
Samsung Galaxy S9 +850/1900/2100 1-2-4-12-17-21 HIGHYesDATAA3LSMG965UM4/T3
Samsung I 927 (Captive)850/1900/2100 HIGHYesDATAA3LSGHI927M3/T3
Samsung J2 Prime    (532M)850/1900/2100 1-2-4-7-17 LOWYesDATAA3LSMG532MM3
Samsung J7 Prime    (G610M)850/1900/2100 1-2-4-17 HIGHYesDATAA3LSMG610MM3
Samsung Note 8  (SMN950U)850/1900/2100 2-4-7-12-17 HIGHYesDATAA3LSMN950UM4/T3
Samsung Note 9  (SM-N960U1)850/1900/2100 2-4-7-12-17 HIGHYesDATAA3LSMN960UM4/T3
Samsung Note 10  HIGHYesDATAA3LSMN970UM4/T3
Samsung Note 10+     A3LSMN975UM4/T3
Samsung T369850/1900 LOWNoDATAA3LSGHT369M3/T4
Sony ADVANCE850/1900/2100 HIGHYesDATAPY7PM-0100M3
Sony Ericsson W580i850/1900 MIDNoDATAPY7A1052042M3/T3
Sony Play r800850/1900/2100 HIGHYesDATAPY7A3880087M3/T3
Unnecto Bolt    (U5151)850/1900/2100 LOWYesDATA2ADR3U5151NC

* This phone has been tested and rated for use with hearing aids for some of the wireless technologies that it uses. However, there may be some newer wireless technologies used in this phone that have not been tested yet for use with hearing aids. It is important to try the different features of this phone thoroughly and in different locations, using your hearing aid or cochlear implant, to determine if you hear any interfering noise. Consult your service provider or the manufacturer of this phone for information on hearing aid compatibility. If you have questions about return or exchange policies, consult your service provider or phone retailer.

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